Hurry Up and Wait

Dormant 6400 by Ryan Luke Johns
Dormant 6400, a photo by Ryan Luke Johns on Flickr.

After all of the suspense of getting two and a half tons of robot successfully delivered, things are starting to feel a bit like Christmas without batteries: we've got the toys, but we can't turn them on.
The robot controller requires 3-phase, 480-volt power, and the few AA batteries we've got lying around just don't cut it. Hopefully a field trip to southern NJ tomorrow will bring two-thirds of the equation: a monster transformer and a 3-phase motor. Then it's just waiting for the mailman to arrive with the CNC-grade phase-conversion panel before we can see this thing move.
In the meanwhile, we can only marvel at this dormant giant as we ready its surroundings (new lights!) and dig through thousands of pages of manuals...occasionally stopping work to giddily make childish whirring-robot sounds as we imagine the potentials of this beautiful machine.